Posted on: 5/12/2024Year 9 Science Museum Rewards Trip 24 Year 9 students visited the Science museum London on Wednesday 4th December. This was following their achievements late last summer being either in the top 10 achievers, the top 10 most improved progress and the Head of Year selected We CARE value winners. Arriving at the museum the ground floor of Space, UK Gadgets and Industry Over Time was like old times but with a new fresher look to the galleries and guides on the floor to give you a free tour of the highlights! The pupils enjoyed all the levels from maths, flight and rather a large collection of watches and clocks. Back in that day the medical science was a small section on the 5th floor, now the whole of level 1 is medical science and the pupils were fascinated by the rough and basic equipment not too many years ago, to the trailblazing developments and tech that has improved the support to patients in hospitals around the world. Swallowing a camera rather the an endoscopy and detecting the difference between cancer cells and living cells by monitoring the smoke as the surgeons treat harmful and unwanted tissue with a cauterizing tool. Thanks to Mr S and Mrs Trouch for helping out with the trip.