Ethos - We CARE

At Hatch End High School, we care about and are totally committed to each and every student’s academic success and personal well-being.

We are proud of being a high performing, inclusive community school which welcomes all cultures, faiths and beliefs. Our core purpose is to enable all young people to make exceptional progress and achieve outstanding outcomes so they are able to live fulfilling and successful lives. Our core values of Co-operation, Ambition, Respect and Empathy underpin everything we do.

We will:

  • be ambitious and always expect the highest standards from students and staff
  • provide a creative and stimulating teaching and learning environment in which each and every student feels safe and secure to express themselves and fulfil their optimum potential
  • deliver a broad and exciting curriculum which stretches all our students and enables them to achieve, develop and extend their life skills
  • create a calm and disciplined environment in which positive relationships flourish
  • work in co-operation and partnership with our families and wider community in a common endeavour to deliver excellence
  • develop our students’ appreciation and respect for others as well as for themselves
  • reflect regularly on our school’s strengths and areas for development in order to continue to thrive


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