We have always prided ourselves on ensuring our assessment system is robust and fit for purpose, allowing scrupulous tracking of student progress. Our systems are extremely refined, designed to identify any actual or potential underperformance quickly with rapid intervention then put into place to close any gaps in learning.
We have an assessment system that, up to the point of public examinations, focuses on which specific elements of the curriculum an individual has deeply understood (mastered) and which they have not. It;
- is based on developing the key knowledge, skills and understanding required for success across all year groups 7 to 13
- recognises that our curriculum is in effect "the progression model"
- is based upon high expected standards for all our students
- is based heavily upon formative feedback and subsequent student response which allows all to succeed – and so develops growth mindset
- incorporates periodic summative assessment to support ongoing formative feedback and prepare effectively for terminal linear examinations
Assessment at HEHS
The term “assessment” refers to all those activities undertaken by teachers, and by their students in assessing themselves, which provide information to be used as feedback to modify the teaching and learning activities in which they are engaged. It includes all aspects of gathering evidence, recording, reviewing and reporting, which make up an inter-related sequence of events that are integral to the teaching and learning process. In summary we set out:
Assessment AS Learning: This refers to us using a range of different activities during lessons e.g. regular routine quizzes and tests and exercises to build memory to automaticity through over-learning facts, concepts and procedures. Such testing can be informal and low stakes and seen as part of the learning process.
Assessment FOR Learning: This is a process of seeking and interpreting evidence for use by learners and their teachers to decide where the learners are in their learning, where they need to go and how best to get there. This is also called “Formative assessment” and might be via questioning, feedback on mini whiteboards or though examining pupils’ work. Such informal assessment can provide finer-grained analysis of pupils’ progress.
Assessment OF Learning: This is assessment for summative purposes and providing formalised summative assessment. Such assessment should be infrequent otherwise it starts detracting from the importance of teaching. At Hatch End High School we do this twice a year.
Formal Summative Assessment
To ensure that teachers have regular and up to date information about student progress, curriculum maps and subsequently, schemes of learning are designed with a range of formative and summative assessment integrated at suitable points. This ensures that appropriate in class interventions are delivered in a timely and highly effective manner. For example, every lesson will have at least one activity to assess the learning of key knowledge taught in that particular lesson which may also refer back to previous learning. This Assessment As Learning provides both formal and informal feedback along with self-assessment to help inform teachers planning and students understanding of their next steps in learning. They also function as useful “way points” for the student to see how they are progressing towards an “end point”, for example, their end of unit assessment below.
At the end of a particular topic, there will be an “end of unit” assessment. This is assessment for learning and involves formal and informal assessment activities which inform the planning of future learning. This may take various forms e.g. focused short answer questions on key knowledge covered to date, extended writing developing descriptive and evaluative skills or the demonstration of practical application of knowledge. Again, this functions as an “end point” for that particular unit but also as a “way point” for the Key Stage.
Assessment of Learning provides the opportunities for students to undertake formal summative assessments at clearly defined points, these are our CAPs (Current Assessment Points) and will be collected and centralised for all departments and year groups as follows:
· Year 7 – 11 - two times per year
· Year 12 - once per year plus their AS external Assessment
· Year 13 - two times per year
Parents and students will receive a report giving the result of CAP results at the relevant point of their sitting during the academic year.
We will continue to enhance the assessment system further with all subjects conducting formal assessments of Spelling Punctuation and Grammar in addition to their subject specific assessments. We hope this will provide a clear and formal mechanism for promoting the critical importance of Literacy in every area.
In addition to the new assessment system, the school also uses Cognitive Ability Tests, Reading Assessments and a battery of specific tests for identifying special educational needs to ensure we gain as holistic a picture of a child’s needs as possible (please refer to our Local Special Educational Needs Offer for more information).