
Sixth Form should be an enjoyable experience; however there are times that it can also be stressful.

Students who want to discuss anything or need some guidance can talk to a number of people within the Sixth Form. Tutors meet with students frequently so are often able to offer support strategies or practical advice.

Additionally, students can speak to Mr Richards in J11 (Head of Sixth Form), Mr Fernandopulle and Miss Modi in J2 (Heads of Year), Mrs Hayward (Assistant Head of Year) in J7, or any other member of the Sixth Form tutor team, all of whom would be very happy to help students to resolve practical problems or discuss any concerns that may arise.

Students who can't find a member of staff can contact them using their Hatch End High School email account.

If our own staff are not able to help, we can assist students in finding someone that can. Within school we can provide access to a counsellor or an impartial careers adviser. We can also guide students to external organisations that may be able to provide assistance.


View information on Student Support

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