More Able students

More Able students are children who demonstrate a significantly higher level of ability than most children of the same age in one or more of the statutory curriculum areas, other than art, music and PE, i.e. those who are very academically able children. Those previously defined as ‘talented’ in Art, Music and PE will remain supported and valued at Hatch End High School.

There is no norm for a More Able student. The More Able student can be: academic all-rounders or high achievers in one subject area; of high ability but with low motivation; of good verbal ability but poor literacy skills; very able but with short concentration spans; very able but with unconfident social skills.

Hatch End High School also recognises that students do not necessarily demonstrate their full ability on arrival, due to a variety of background factors, and therefore we also seek to identify those with exceptional potential.

Our focus is preventing underachievement through following an ambitious curriculum for all students. 

We do not see innate ability as a fixed concept or an indication of `potential` which separates and/or limits the possible learning of all (Carol Dweck).    


More Able Statement

Why do the most able students matter at Hatch End High School?

Hatch End High School’s status as a truly comprehensive, non-selective school and our We CARE ethos means we have a culture where high achievement is valued and high expectations are held by all. 

Through a curriculum which is 'ambitious for all', we aim to provide the best possible education to meet the individual needs of all students and to help them achieve their full potential. Students who have demonstrated high achievement, and whose previous assessments indicate possible future high achievement, should be recognised by the school and supported in their development, within and outside of the classroom.

How do we identify the most able students at Hatch End High School?

Hatch End High School uses a wide range of information to identify students in each cohort with regular amendments made to ensure that the school’s increasing number of new student arrivals without Key Stage 2 (KS2) data are accurately identified. 

More Able students with KS2 data, will in most cases be working at a score of 110 and above in Maths and/or Reading, and/or above 110 in the Cognitive Ability Test (CATs).  These students are classed as High Attaining Pupils (HAPs).  

More Able students without KS2 data, who have shown through Common Assessment Points (CAPs) and progression against curriculum maps to have attained in line with High Attaining Pupils, and are therefore, capable of high attainment.   These students in addition may have achieved a score exceeding 110 on the Cognitive Ability Test.  These students are classed as Potential High Attainers.


How do we monitor and review our More Able students?

  • The identification of More Able students will be reviewed officially by the Assistant Head of each key stage, alongside the Heads of Department during the Autumn Term of the school year. 
  • The achievement of HAPs is reviewed after each Common Assessment Point and curriculum leaders are provided with detailed analysis of key groups and where necessary, implement interventions e.g., White British HAPs. 
  • More Able students are also reviewed in the school`s standard monitoring and review cycles. 


Please refer to the More Able Policy which outlines the identification and our provision in more detail.

What happens after identification?

Hatch End High School uses a wide range of information to identify students potential in each cohort and gurantee that regular amendments are made to ensure that the school does not leave out anybody displaying more able traits at any point.

More Able Students

More Able students will in most cases be identified as those who achieve significantly above national averages at Key Stage 2 in English or Maths.  Cognitive Ability Tests are also used to identify students in Year 7.    

We recognise that many of our students make accelerated progress during their time at Hatch End and we therefore use current data to identify students.  Students can also be identified as being More Able if they are consistently high attaining across four or more subjects (despite not meeting the More Able criteria when they arrive in Year 7).     

Most Able Students

Out Most Able students are those students who achieve significantly above national averages at Key Stage 2 in English and Maths, and are also consistently high attaining across four or more subjects.

Please refer to the More Able Policy which outlines the identification in more detail.

What initiatives does Hatch End High School provide for the More Able students?

Hatch End High School’s flagship programme for our most able students is the Brilliant Club.

The Brilliant Club is a charity that enables students to participate in a university-style investigation, working with a PhD student in weekly seminars over a half-term. At the end of the investigation they have to write a 1500-2000 word essay, which is followed by a graduation ceremony at a highly performing university. In the past, students have conducted investigation into the key turning points in British History and the uses of mechanical engineering techniques in human muscle and tissue regeneration.  Students from Hatch End High School who take part in the Brilliant Club consistently achieve higher than the national average in the percentage of students achieving a 2:1.


Staff Name Role Email
Mr D Rowan-Robinson Assistant Headteacher