Literacy and Numeracy

The school believes that the acquisition of Literacy and Numeracy skills is essential in order to allow all students to access the whole curriculum.

The school analyses information from Primary Schools extremely carefully to ensure that any gaps in this acquisition are closed rapidly. All subjects promote Literacy and Numeracy and all subjects assess Literacy alongside their own subject assessments. Reading and Numeracy are given a high profile in tutor time and all subjects use our We Care about Literacy standard marking codes and assess Literacy regularly. Please click here to view our Literacy Assessment Ladder.

Literacy and Numeracy Teacher Guides

The following Aide Memoires are designed for teachers at the school to help them promote the importance of Literacy and Numeracy in all of their subjects. They may also be useful to parents/carers and students to keep up-to-date with the extensive provisions Hatch End High School has in place for these critical aspects of education.


Literacy - Aide Memoire 

Literacy - Aide Memoire Appendices 

Promoting Reading at Hatch End High School 

Numeracy - Aide Memoire