Online Safety

Technology offers unimaginable opportunities and is constantly evolving. The use of technology and E-Safety issues go hand in hand. As part of our ongoing commitment to safeguarding children at Hatch End High School, we encourage appropriate online behaviour. We promote E-Safety by raising awareness as to the risks associated with the use of technology and educate students on how to manage these risks.

The risks associated with Online Safety are categorised into four areas:

Content: Exposure to inappropriate online material relating to pornography, violence, suicide, self harm, hate, substance abuse etc.

Contact: Inappropriate online interaction with people including grooming and cyber bullying. This also includes hacking, sharing passwords and identity theft.

Conduct: Online behaviour including privacy issues, copyright issues, disclosure of personal information, digital footprints and online reputation. This category also includes sexting (sending or receiving personal indecent / sexual images)

Contract: Consumer - identity theft, fraud, phishing, scams, gambling, blackmail, sextortion, sexual exploitation, streaming, information filtering, bias, persuasive design.

National Online Safety - Parent Guide to the Metaverse

Online Safety Guide for Parents and Students

Talking to your child about online Sexual Harassment - a guide for Parents

Police Social Media Guides for Parent and Students

'Sextortion' / Online Blackmail Help & Support

Parental Information Guides: Social Media APPs and Sites

Provision at Hatch End High School

Systems & Infrastructure:

At Hatch End High School, rigorous ICT policy and procedures are in place. Our ICT (Digital devices) policy is also integrated with other relevant policies such as behaviour, safeguarding and anti-bullying.

Our ‘Acceptable Use of Digital Devices and ICT systems’ contract is signed by students and parents. Staff and students’ must accept the terms of ICT policy through the computer ‘Login’ screens every time they log in.

We use a recognised Internet Service Provider and an efficient age/maturity related internet filtering system called ‘WebScreen’ provided by LGfL. In addition to the standard filtering, we also have control over the blocking/allowing of individual sites. We have invested in a computer monitoring software called ‘Impero’. Impero monitors for a set of ‘violations’ in accordance with our behaviour policy. It identifies and captures E-Safety violations including cyber bullying incidents.


E-Safety is taught to all year groups through our ICT and PCSHE curriculums. as well as our distinct regular educational e-safety assemblies. Students are involved in E-Safety surveys and the analysis and findings are shared with them. ICT rules are displayed in all computer suites. Themed e-safety assemblies take place, to all year groups, throughout the year. These assemblies inform students of important updates to our monitoring systems as well as making them aware of new apps and challenging scenerios which they may have to face. 


We aim to work closely with parents to raise awareness and help them ensure that their children use the new technologies safely and responsibly. Informal and friendly sessions are organised and delivered by Hatch End High to provide guidance and information on E-Safety and this is supplemented by regular updates through the school newsletters and the school website.


At Hatch End High School all Staff members are trained regularly on all areas of E-Safety.

CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online protection Unit)

Please click here to report abuse.

Please click here to view the CEOP website directly.