Wellbeing and Local Support Services

Helplines for Parents / Carers

Harrow Local Safeguarding Children Board: 0208 424 1147 or lscb@harrow.gov.uk 

This website is for our local professional community, parents, children and young people to inform you about arrangements for safeguarding children in Harrow.

Here you will learn how the LSCB works and what it achieves in promoting better outcomes for children and young people in Harrow. The LSCB encourages everyone to find out more by using information on the site and through the links to documents and external sites.

www.drinksmarter.orgInformation for parents regarding alcohol use

www.b-eat.co.ukInformation and advice on eating disorders

www.parentlineplus.org.ukPARENTLINE 0808 8002222 for advice on issues with teenagers

www.dadtalk.co.ukSpecific help for Dads on managing teenagers

www.onespace.org.ukSpecific help for single parents managing teenagers

Breathing Space: 0800 83 85 87 (free from a landline, mobile charges vary)If you're feeling down, depressed, worried or anxious and need to talk to someone during the evening or night call Breathing Space.

Open: Mon to Fri, 6pm-2am; weekends 6pm-6am

Enquire: 0845 123 2303 (landlines charged at local rate, mobile charges vary) Advice on all aspects of education for children and young people with additional support needs. Open: Mon to Wed, Fri 9am-7pm; Thurs 9am-7pm

NHS24: 08454 24 24 24 (landlines charged at local rate, mobile charges vary) Textphone: 18001 08454 24 24 24

For any concerns about your child's health, or the health of any family member. Staffed by a team of nurses who offer information and advice, including information about local and national self-help and support groups.

Open: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

HOPE- Harrow: 0208 863 7319 or  info@hopeharrow.org.uk

Parents and Carers in Harrow and its neighbouring boroughs benefit from a range of services and support from the H.O.P.E (Harrow) Parent Facilitators and Parent Mentors. From the ethos that parenting works best when everyone in the family feels valued and supported our facilitators and mentors work with parents and carers to build upon existing skills whilst encouraging small, manageable changes which lead to less tension and improved family relationships.

Parent Partnership: Little Stanmore First and Middle School, St David’s Drive, Edgeware HA8 6JH Telephone :020 8952 3272 Fax: 020 8381 2017

CAMHS (Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services): Alexander AvenueHealth & Social Care CentreHarrowMiddlesexHA2 9DX

Telephone: 020 8966 6393 email: p.ganatra@nhs.net

Kids Can Achieve: 29 Pinner Green, Pinner, Middlesex, HA5 2AF 

Telephone:020 8868 5629 Web: www.kidscanachieve.co.uk

Educational Psychology Service: Civic Centre, Station Road, Harrow, HA1 2UT

Telephone: 020 8966 6480

ADHD Support Group: 35 Pinner Green, Pinner, Middlesex,HA5 2AF

Telephone: 020 8426 1719

Harrow Mencap: 4 Gordon Avenue, Stanmore Middlesex, HA7 3QD

Telephone: 020 8954 8444

Harrow Dyslexic Group: Telephone:020 8422 0300

Connexions Services: PO BOX 22, Civic Centre, Harrow, Middlesex, HA1 2UW

Telephone: 020 8424 1812 Fax: 020 8242 1817

Sensory and Communication Team (SACT): The Teachers Centre, Harrow Weald, Middlesex

Telephone: 0208 416 8899