Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development is promoted across the entire school curriculum and all aspects of school life. Our full policy sets out our vision and practice in ensuring that all students have the opportunity to develop an understanding of right and wrong; an appreciation of the Arts in all their forms and practise the skills and attitudes required for them to participate fully in a democratic society. Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development is implicit within the school curriculum, school ethos and within day to day life at Hatch End High School, and is highly effective.

The school fully supports the embedding of British Values both within Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development provision and across the whole curriculum. Please click here for more details. All our schemes of learning in each subject have a dedicated section outlining how a particular unit contributes towards an aspect of SMSC.

The school’s ‘We CARE’ ethos is strongly promoted resulting in a harmonious multicultural community. – External Review, 2013.

Students’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is promoted extremely well so that students respect each other’s views and say they feel safe. - OFSTED 2013

“Value of the Week” includes a range of stimuli to reflect our spiritual diversity, to encourage knowledge, understanding, reflection and curiosity. Assemblies reflect our spiritual diversity, as do our displays, artwork, clubs/ provision for faith groups to meet/pray and involvement in an excellent range of activities/competitions/events within the local area and beyond (Artist in Residence/ Christian Union/ Reflection Room/ Assemblies/ Debate Mate/ Charity Events/ Visits to residential care homes).

Teaching promotes high levels of resilience, confidence, tolerance and independence for when students have to tackle morally challenging situations. We have strong links with the local Community Police, to present co-operation and unity in our quest to make students responsible citizens, enabling them to participate fully and positively in democratic modern Britain.

Students learn about:

  • Identity, diversity and human rights.  They consider how the rights of people are sacrificed through discrimination and bullying on a local, national and global scale.
  • The importance of democracy, focusing on local, national and world events. Students may write and distribute questionnaires to find out what needs changing in the local community as part of developing campaign skills through active citizenship.
  • Debating issues relevant to the current news.  They will learn and develop their speaking skills through identifying the needs, beliefs and opinions of others, as well as their own.
  • How the media influences the beliefs that people hold and what impact this has on society. 
  • Their role within society by examining rights and responsibilities of citizens through topics such as crime and justice, political participation and the economy.

View our Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development policy