Pastoral Care
At Hatch End High School, we care about and are totally committed to each and every student’s academic success and well-being. Our core values of co-operation, ambition, respect and empathy underpin everything we do – WE CARE!
Hatch End High School understands that all students need to be supported pastorally in order to be able to thrive at school and to learn.
The pastoral care structure with its houses and tutor groups offers strong support to all its students. On joining the school, all students are placed with a Tutor, who is responsible for their overall welfare, overseen by Heads of Year and Pastoral Assistants and supported by Senior Leadership Staff.
We pride ourselves that the Pastoral Teams really get to know each student in their care and help them celebrate their achievements and negotiate and support them through any challenging times, either academically or socially.
The Pastoral Care Teams always have high expectations of the students, promote challenge and open communication between the school, students and parents.
As a richly diverse school, we aim to develop a community of reflective individuals, who are both tolerant and outward looking. We have a full assembly programme and a wide range of enrichment opportunities and events, giving students the opportunities to learn about themselves, our community and the wider environment.
There is a strong emphasis on community and fundraising, aiming to develop awareness of personal commitment and the needs of others.
Attendance and punctuality are given high importance and are monitored regularly. Please support us in emphasising the importance of excellent attendance and punctuality to school and lessons. Please also be aware of the importance of your child completing homework regularly, completing it to the best of their ability and supporting your child to meet deadlines set. Every family will be given log-in details to our on-line systems, so that both your child and you as parents and carers can see what has been set, by whom and the deadline. Resources for homework are also often attached.
The e-mail addresses of all pastoral staff are published on the website and parents are actively encouraged to get in touch if they have any concerns. We also publish dates of all Parent Consultation Evenings, “Meet the Tutor Evenings” and Parent Clinics, and again we actively encourage parents/carers to engage in these events.
The curriculum that your child will be studying in each year group for all subjects is available as a Learning Journey. When you click on a year group below, you will find a link to the Learning Journey, which outlines the curriculum for that year group.