
Every single day, we as a staff team at Hatch End work hard together to deliver the very best in teaching and learning and pastoral care so that – as our vision statement states – all young people make exceptional progress and achieve outstanding outcomes. Our expectations of our students here at Hatch End are that they give the very best of themselves each day so that they build bright futures. Day to day, the desire of all those at Hatch End to enable all students to reach their full potential can be seen and we believe this is one of the aspects of Hatch End that sets it apart.   

We encourage you to visit us and take the time to experience the welcome of Hatch End High School for yourself, ask questions and meet our staff and students. Choosing a new school is an important decision and we are here to support you at this time. Do come on a tour, attend our Open Evening or ask for a personalised visit if this would be helpful. Building a strong parent - school relationship is a vital part of our ethos.   

So why Hatch End? Our 5 Top Reasons:

  1.  Values & Ethos. We CARECo-operation, Ambition, Respect and Empathy  

“The school’s core values of co-operation, ambition, respect and empathy underpin all aspects of school life. The school strives to provide the same high-quality education to all pupils. Leaders work to overcome any challenges that pupils face.” Ofsted 2024 

  1. Student Success. Our students have consistently achieved results that put us in the top 25% of schools for progress both at GCSE and A Level. Destinations data above national and local levels.  

Case study 2023: “Yosuf arrived from Syria in Year 8 with limited spoken English. He won the Henrietta Branford Writing Competition in 2018 for writing a short story entitled “From Refugee to King”. He achieved 3 x top Grade 9s in GCSE plus 7 other subjects at Grade 7+. He then achieved A grades in Biology, Chemistry and Maths A Levels in our Sixth Form and secured a place in Medical School at the University of Southampton.” 

  1. A Strong Curriculum. We have invested a lot of time and expertise into planning & sequencing our curriculum so that it takes students clearly and carefully through each subject and through each year in a way that builds knowledge, revisits prior learning and helps students to make connections.  This helps students make progress more quickly and more securely.  We offer all students the opportunity to study the full EBacc and encourage this as it provides access to the best university courses but we also invest in our arts, technology and option subjects so that every child can follow a curriculum that suits them.  

“Over recent years the school has developed its curricular thinking so that it is sequenced well....Leaders are ambitious for all pupils. They ensure that pupils study a broad range of subjects. The school identifies clearly the key subject content that pupils need to learn and when. This helps teachers to build on pupils’ prior learning progressively.” Ofsted 2024 

  1. Pastoral Care and Community. We support our students to be a proactive part of our local community.  Our Hatch End community celebrates its diversity, cares for each member and works collaboratively.  

“The school is a calm and orderly place....Pupils socialise well together at breaktimes and lunchtimes. Any extreme behaviour is rare and dealt with very well by the school. Pupils are taught how to keep themselves safe. Staff encourage pupils to respect people from other backgrounds and to treat everyone equally.” Ofsted 2024 

  1. Enrichment & Personal Development. A long-established enrichment programme timetabled into the school day as well as after school.  

“Pupils have access to a wide range of enrichment activities. In the sixth form, students have regular opportunities to develop their understanding about different careers....There are multiple events for pupils to attend. The school has many external speakers and regular visitors.” Ofsted 2024 

We thank you for taking the time to read our website and our prospectus and we very much look forward to meeting you.  

Mrs Marianne Jeanes  
MA (Oxon)  

School Prospectus

Admissions Information Booklet

For further information on how to apply for a place at Hatch End High School, through the Harrow Council website, please click here

Frequently Asked Questions

Harrow Guide Booklet for Year 7 - 2025/2026

In-Year Admissions 2024/2025

Applying to our Sixth Form

Hatch End High School Admissions Policy for 2024/2025

Hatch End High School Admissions Policy for 2025/2026

Hatch End High School Admissions Policy for 2026/2027

Admission Appeals - Children starting Year 7 in September 2025

If you wish to appeal against the decision not to offer your child a place at the school, for your appeal to be heard in the main round of appeals it must be submitted by 19 April 2025.  

To submit an appeal please complete the appeal form, which is available from Harrow Council website ( or from the Harrow Council Admissions Service ( Appeals submitted by the deadline will be heard during the Summer Term 2025. 

If you submit an appeal after the deadline, it may not be heard before the end of the Summer Term.