Science Update

Posted on: 02/12/2024

Chemistry In Action Lectures

At Hatch End High School we want to develop ambitious students. The Science department are pleased to report that on 11th November, our A-level Chemistry student had the opportunity to be inspired by leading chemists in academia and industry. These sessions were designed to promote and raise awareness of the various Science careers present in the Chemical sector. Furthermore, student were provided with guidance on how to approach and tackle A-level exam questions successfully. Some our students had the privilege of speaking to the lecturers too.

Our student were able to learn from the following speakers:

1. Andrea Sella - Chemist and Broadcaster - University College London:

Lecture: Strange Ice

Andrea discussed and highlighted the unusual properties of ice and how these properties are important to us.

2. Hilary Hamnett – Associate Professor in Forensic Science

Lecture: Poisonous Tales: A Forensic Examination of Poisons in Fiction

In this session, Dr Hilary Hamnett discussed the uses of dangerous poisons in fiction and drew our attention to the inaccuracies of fiction.

3. Alex Lathbridge – Biochemist, Presenter, and Science Journalist

Lecture: Tree-ting malaria

Dr Alex Lathbridge gave an interesting lecture on the development of medicines, with a particular focus on quinine and discovery of the sources of the medicines that we use today.

4. Esther Osarfo-Mensah – University College London

Lecture: How can we use chemistry to design biosensors?

Esther shared exciting research on how tiny particles can be manipulated to sense diseases within our bodies.

5. Dr Jamie Gallagher - University of Glasgow

Lecture: Plastic Fantastic

Dr Jamie Gallagher helped us to understand why plastics are both amazing and detrimental to the environment. He shared with us the measures that could be taken to tackle the issues of plastics.

Chemistry Week

In the week beginning of the 4th November, it was National Chemistry week!

HEHS celebrated with Y9,10 and 11 students participating in the regional RSC Top of the Bench competition (more details of this on another article) and completing a careers quiz in their form time to inform them of careers available in Chemistry.

In addition, we had a Y7 and Y8 inter-form Chemistry contest. During form time, each form had to complete an elements crossword. The form with the most correct answers won a small prize (box of chocolates). The responses received by all the forms were very impressive, but one Y7 and Y8 form did stand out.

Congratulations to 7MPO and 8SSE for winning the Chemistry contest!

RSC Top of the Bench Chemistry Competition

At the beginning of this half term, a number of our student took part in the prestigious Top of the Bench competition run by the Royal Society of Chemistry. Our students did the school proud with their enthusiasm, determination and ambitious attempt at competing against other schools in Middlesex & Chiltern by responding to some challenging chemistry questions. We had four teams consisting of two Y9, one Y10 & one Y11. From 4pm, they had to plough through 6 rounds of gruelling chemistry questions which ended at 5:30pm in the evening.

I’m pleased to inform you that one of our teams made it to the top 10 in the region! Congratulations to our amazing students!

