Highlights from Performing Arts

Posted on: 16/12/2024


Over the last term in ECC, students in Year 7 and 8 have been experiencing what it is like to be a part of a production. They have had a variation of lessons on singing, dancing, acting and directing. In our last session, we had the whole year group together in the great hall to put the singing and dancing together. There was reluctance from some at first, but by the end all students were involved, and you could say, even enjoyed themselves! Well done to all Year 7 and 8 students for getting stuck in, we wanted to offer an opportunity for students which they may not have experienced before and it was lovely to see students step out of their comfort zones during these sessions.

Pantomime Trip

On Tuesday 10th December, we took 75 of students from Year 7-11 to the Harrow Arts Centre to watch Peter Pan the Pantomime. The students were full of energy and enthusiasm, cheering Peter Pan, booing Captain Hook and singing along with a range of musical theatre numbers. Did they enjoy the experience? Oh yes they did!

