Year 11 PGL Revision Weekend

Posted on: 06/11/2024

After a fortnight of CAP examinations, 54 Year 11s embarked on a Revision Weekend at PGL in Osmington Bay in Dorset.

We arrived and it was straight into our rooms and for a spot of lunch. The first afternoon the student were straight into a lesson, be it maths, geography , history, English or RE. Following this, the students were then thrown into the deep end with a go on the Giant Swing where they were hoisted up by their peers and left swinging looking out into the sunset. Following dinner we were all put into teams to compete in some sporting games followed by lights out at 10.

Saturday morning started with a 7am wake up call in the dark down to breakfast and off to the first classroom session or laser tag where the team antics continued. After lunch some groups embarked on the vertical challenge where one of Hatch’s End very own was just 2 seconds off of the fastest completion time ever! That afternoon some groups headed down to the beach to get a lesson on geography in the field where we explored the rates of erosion, sedimentary rock formations and were able to hunt for fossils following a very recent land slide. The evening finished with a game of ambush where teams had to hide across the campus and make their way back to the pavilion without being caught by another team.

Sunday morning, I think we were all very grateful for the clocks going back and that additional hour in bed. To open the curtains to a sea view as the sun rose was a memorable experience for all. The weather was fantastic and so we ended our trip with a morning down on the beach fossil hunting and watching the sail boats.

I want to say a ‘well done’ to the students who made this trip so worthwhile, fun, memorable and enjoyable. They were a credit to the school and themselves. As well as this a massive thank you to the staff who helped run this trip; Mr Farrar, Ms Faridani, Ms Pollard, Mr Chimonas and Mr Robinson.

