Year 10 Extend Programme Project Presentation

Posted on: 01/07/2024

As part of this year’s programme the students have been working on their oracy and public speaking skills. In preparation for their final presentation based on the A level subjects they wish to pick the students were coached in the art of captivating an audience and used the following tips

  • Speak clearly - don't shout or whisper
  • Don't rush or talk deliberately slowly - be natural
  • Deliberately pause at key points
  • Change your delivery, speed and pitch of voice
  • Use your hands to emphasise
  • Remember to breathe and to smile.
  • Look at the audience as much as possible

It was clear to see that the students really listen and took on the tips above as when it came to final presentation day we were all thoroughly impressed by the way they spoke and presented themselves. All of the students had well thought through and speeches with well researched subjects that helped them to formulate their ideas and in turn their presentations. Thank you to all of the staff and students who gave up their time to listen and support our Year 10s on their Extend journey.