Sixth Form Graduation Ceremony

Posted on: 01/07/2024

Sixth Form’s Class of 2024 were bid farewell on the 27th of June with a celebratory Graduation Ceremony. Preceded by a small breakfast, excited students, along with their families and friends, gathered in the great hall for a final goodbye. As the morning unfolded, we took a walk down memory lane, reflecting on the graduates’ time at Hatch End and saw blasts from the past (their earliest pictures at Hatch End) much to their endearing embarrassment!

With a few words from Mrs Jeanes, Mr F, a special video message from Mr Richards and even alumni (Leonita Metaj), the graduates felt steeled for what was next to come while basking in the tenderness of the end of an era. The Class of 2024 was also awarded with individual awards for their effort and progress in their studies, as well as non-academic awards relating to their character and spirit which was the perfect full-circle moment as they bid adieu to their schooling years.

Towards the end of the ceremony, students’ names were announced one-by-one as they took the stage to receive their graduation scrolls and take pictures with their respective tutor groups. During the grand finale of the Graduation, the graduates teamed up for the ultimate Class Photo – all scrolls in hands and grins on faces, as glorious confetti showered down upon them: a monumental spectacle that they, along with the teachers and parents, were sure to remember forever.

After the ceremony, parents and pupils could take the quintessential graduation picture in front of a photo booth as well as purchase the Yearbooks and memorabilia hoodies which they would have for ever after, reminding them of their time at Hatch End. After honouring the students’ years-long schooling journey, the day was perfectly wrapped up by the graduates’ leavers prom as the Class of ’24 went out with a bang!