Posted on: 6/09/2017Welcome back message from the HeadteacherDear Parents/Carers I would like to personally welcome your child back to Hatch End for what I know will be another highly successful year. A special warm welcome to all our new Year 7 students! As in previous years I am writing with a number of important updates to ensure you are fully aware of any news and/or changes taking place from September. May I take this opportunity to wish you and your child a very happy and successful year. Yours faithfully, Ms S Maguire Headteacher Click here to view the message in full with updates and news on the following topics: Exam Results. Transforming the site. Behaviour. There are now clearer thresholds for our Lesson Codes that instigate specific action. Entry and Exit to School. Uniform. Curriculum and Assessment. Attendance. Canteen. Equipment. Supervision before and after school. Extra-Curricular activities. Useful dates for Parents/Carers.
Posted on: 17/07/2017Duke of Edinburgh participants displaying self-sufficiency and independence skills