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Posted on: 11/04/2019

Message From The Headteacher

As another term draws to a close, I am delighted to report back to you that the school has recently undergone its first Challenge Partners Review. This was a quality assurance review overseen by a team of external school leaders and an Ofsted trained lead, who concluded that there was evidence to indicate our School Improvement Strategies and Outcomes for Students were both ‘Outstanding’ and the Quality of Teaching, Learning and Assessment was assessed as ‘Good’. They certainly picked up on our ‘relentless focus on ambition.’ (A copy of the full report can be viewed on our website.) This was an excellent opening review, and one that confirms my belief that Hatch End High School provides both an excellent structure which allows its students to reach their academic potential and become motivated to pursue their dreams, in whatever form they may take, after leaving high school. Our Raising Aspirations/Dream Forward programme of university visits, inspirational speakers, and careers advice is highly prized amongst our students and opens their eyes as to what could be possible for them in the future. Next term will be another busy one - particularly for those with external examinations looming on the horizon. To all those students, I wish you the very best of luck. Remember, nothing can give you the best chance of success more than working hard/ planning your revision schedule, attending any intervention sessions that may have been arranged for you, and very importantly, keeping calm, eating well and getting plenty of sleep. I would also like to wish you and your families a very happy Easter holiday and look forward to a summer term which should see the finishing touches to the new building put in place, and the school grounds begin their transformation into a considerably enlarged ‘green space’. This will enhance the area we can devote to sporting activities and provide all our students with much more freedom to spread out and enjoy their environment at break times. Ms Sue Maguire

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