Dementia Friends Poetry Workshop
Posted on: 10/07/2023
On Monday 10th July, a group of seven Year 7 students were selected to visit Kailash Manor Care Home.
Calvin, Hyman, Stefania, Vaibhav, Stefania, Aya-Nikita and Rathushan have completed their Dementia Friends Sessions in ECC and came along to visit residents and take part in a poetry workshop.
We used poetry prompts by poet, Joseph Fasano. Students worked across the generations with residents from Kailash Manor to create poems to express themselves and their identities.
After writing our poems, we came together to share our work. Students and residents got to know each other and shared their interests in football, cricket and listened to stories from the residents' lives.
A huge thank you to all the residents and staff at Kailash Manor for having us for a visit and taking part in the Poetry Workshop.
Miss Randell, Dementia Friends Champion