Art & Design News

Posted on: 19/07/2024

6th Form Taster Session

On Monday 1st July it was wonderful to see some of our Year 11s return to the art rooms for the annual taster day session. With only an hour to play with, students embraced the spirit of creativity and produced some freestyle mark making experiments and the opportunity to be themselves... definitely a taster for A-Level Art!

Fauve Landscapes

What a wonderful project to end our Year 9 rotations on. Thought we'd share some of our Fauve inspired oil pastel landscapes with you to brighten the mood after our recent July weather.

UK-Japan Costume Design Contest - Closing Date SOON 28th July

The Emperor and Empress of Japan visit the United Kingdom at the end of June 2024 at the invitation of King Charles. To celebrate this special occasion, The Japan Society invites children to design a UK-Japan costume for a set of traditional emperor and empress hina dolls.

Design a UK-Japan costume for the traditional emperor and empress hina dolls! We're looking for designs which celebrate the friendship between the UK and Japan and look beautiful.

Your design should include elements which represent both Japan and the UK and incorporate designs such as nature patterns, symbolic colours, animals, or emblems.

The Japan Society - Emperor and Empress Dolls Costume Design Contest

War Through Children’s Eyes - Closing Date 30th September

This is an Art & Creative Writing competition aiming to raise awareness of the impact of wars and violent conflicts on the children & communities caught up in them. We'll be finishing entries in Art club when we return in September but if you want to get a head start or complete the whole thing during the Summer please have a look at the guidelines at War Through Children's Eyes website.