Year 12 Oxbridge University Trips

Posted on: 10/06/2024

My Experience Visiting Two of the Most Prestigious Universities in the World

At this pivotal point in my academic journey, choosing the right course and university is the next significant decision I must make. To aid in this critical decision-making process, I visited Oxford University and Cambridge University during their Open Days.

My Experience at Oxford University

As an aspiring PPE (Philosophy, Politics, and Economics) student, Oxford University is the most desirable destination. Naturally, I could not miss the opportunity to attend their Open Day. The day commenced with tours of various colleges and accommodation facilities. I had the privilege of visiting not just one, but five colleges: Merton College, St John’s College, St Peter’s College, Lincoln College, and The Queen’s College.

Merton College had organized special events for applicants, including a talk with the tutors and a demo interview. The discussion with the economics tutor was particularly enlightening, providing me with an understanding of the course's challenges and the intense competition among students.

The demo interview, conducted by one of the college professors and their students. While the interview process is often regarded as the most challenging aspect of gaining admission to the university, the professor set straight it by explaining the key characteristics sought in applicants. These characteristics include clarity of thought, analytical skills, flexibility, and enthusiasm. Understanding these criteria provided me with a clearer perspective on how to prepare for the application process.

My day at the university concluded with a delightful moment of enjoying ice cream while sitting at an 18th-century table, admiring the stunning 13th century architecture.

My Experience at Cambridge University

Miss Modi also organized a tour of Cambridge University for the HE Extend group during their Open Day. Although I anticipated a similar experience to Oxford, the visit to Cambridge proved to be equally beneficial. Despite Cambridge University not offering my desired course, I gained valuable insights that will undoubtedly be useful.

The day began with a presentation in the History department on the History and Politics course. Following this, I attended presentations and a taster lecture on Economics. The university professors delivered two lectures: one on microeconomics, specifically the tragedy of the commons, a concept I had studied in my AS Economics syllabus but explored here in greater depth.

The second lecture focused on macroeconomics, specifically inflation. This session opened my eyes to a new understanding of inflation. Even within such a seemingly straightforward topic, the professor explained the core issues with remarkable clarity.

To conclude my day, I toured Trinity College. On the way, I was fortunate enough to spot Newton’s apple tree, under which Sir Isaac Newton is said to have conceived the theory of gravity. It was a surreal experience to see the place where this legendary revelation occurred.

Visiting Oxford and Cambridge Universities during their Open Days provided me with invaluable experiences and insights which would be very beneficial in making my post-18 decisions.



Jaini- “My experience at Cambridge was once in a lifetime. I really enjoyed the sights that I saw and how the place is such a huge campus. I am looking forward to what more Cambridge has to offer for young people. The university inspired us to work hard and fulfil our full potential.”

Ali Emir- “The trip was very informative and helped me get a better understanding of both student life in Cambridge as well as how I could make my admission process easier and what get a better insight on what the admission officers look for when reading personal statements.”

Herbert- “The trip was very inspiring and eye opening, there was some good information about how the admission process worked, also what to put on a personal statement. I really enjoyed seeing what it would be like to attend the University.”

Richard- “I had an incredible time in Cambridge with the EPQ team! The Q&A session was very enlightening. It was a memorable experience.”

Sristi- “Visiting the Cambridge open day was enlightening. Engaging with professors and students gave me invaluable insights into the unique educational opportunities available”

Nirmal- “The trip to Cambridge was an amazing experience I got to see multiple famous landmarks such as Newton's Apple tree and the mathematical bridge. I also got taster lesson for Economics which gave me a wider view on what university economics is going to comprise of. Overall, it was a very helpful trip and I enjoyed it.”

Ekin- “It was a lovely day. The historic architecture and beautiful campus grounds created an enchanting atmosphere. Engaging with passionate students and faculty gave me a true sense of the vibrant academic community there.”

Tilak- “Getting to see the beautiful town of Cambridge on the 4th of July was an eye opening experience. Not only did it make me want to work even harder toward my application, but seeing the various colleges and attending taster lectures gave me an idea of what university life at Cambridge is like.”

Myiesha- “Visiting Cambridge University on an open day offers a unique glimpse into the historic campus, vibrant academic life, and diverse student community. It was an invaluable opportunity!”