Brunel University KS3 Extend Trip
Posted on: 20/05/2024
As part of the HEHS KS3 Extend Programme, students had the wonderful opportunity to visit Brunel University in London to learn more about STEM. Year 8 student Abishan S tells us more about the trip:
"We went on an educational trip to Brunel University to learn more about STEM. Brunel University gave us lots of activities to take part in, which included: chocolate welding, making cars and an ozobot workshop.
All of these activities helped make us understand what students at the University do, for example, chocolate welding helped us understand how engineering works. We had to make bridges out of chocolate and see which group can hold the most weight. We also made robots follow our directions through colour codes, which had us really laughing.
I would recommend this trip, as we gained knowledge, experienced fun activities and overall had an enjoyable time."