Year 7 & 8 Debate Mate Contest
Posted on: 25/03/2024
During Spring Term, 17 Hatch End High School students, comprised of both Year 7 and 8 participants, eagerly participated in Round Two of the Urban Debating League at Chelsey Academy in London.
Upon arrival, they found themselves amidst a gathering of various schools, with Hatch End seizing the opportunity to field three teams in the novice section of the contest. Despite being newcomers, all three teams encountered formidable adversaries who possessed prior debating experience. Nonetheless, they gleaned invaluable insights into debating structure and strategic manoeuvring from their seasoned counterparts.
The growth exhibited by our students between the initial and subsequent rounds was nothing short of remarkable, underscoring their resilience and unwavering determination to excel. Encouraging feedback from the judges served as both affirmation and guidance, offering our students valuable focal points for refinement ahead of the upcoming debate in April/May.
Heartfelt congratulations are in order for our budding debaters. Your performance was commendable, and I eagerly anticipate witnessing even more thrilling contests in the forthcoming competitions.
Mr De Lange, English Teacher