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Posted on: 21/05/2018

An OFSTED Inspector Calls

After a glorious sunshine filled Bank Holiday weekend, which I hope you all enjoyed, I am delighted to inform you that our most recent Section 8 Ofsted Report has been published - both on the school website and on the official Ofsted website. Under the new framework, if a school’s examination results remain high and there are no special causes for concern, a school like Hatch End does not receive a full two-day Section 5 inspection. Instead, a team of inspectors visit for just one day to ascertain if the school is still achieving high standards. On the 27th March, we received our Section 8 and are very pleased with the expected outcome; that we continue to provide an excellent standard of education. Particular highlights include: - Published examination results confirm that learning has remained strong across the school, particularly in the sixth form. - The curriculum motivates students and promotes their skills and knowledge development effectively. - The school has a welcoming and inclusive ethos. Pupils say they felt part of a harmonious community. - The diversity of cultures and experiences pupils bring to the school is celebrated and valued - Pupils respect different lifestyles and cultures. One of the central reasons for pupils’ success is clear and effective promotion of their well-being. Personal, social and emotional needs are considered when pupils join the school. - The vast majority of pupils say that they are well supported in their academic and wider needs. - Parents highlight the individual attention and additional help pupils receive to help them succeed. - Year 13 attainment has been significantly higher than the national average for the past three years. - Students said that the promotion of independent learning skills helps them prepare well for future learning and work. - Senior and subject leaders use assessment information well to tailor teaching more closely to the learning needs of different groups of pupils. As with all Ofsted reports, there is constructive feedback about small areas which we should focus on further, which the school largely agrees with. We will continue to strive, at all times, to ensure all students ‘thrive’ at our friendly, warm and high achieving community school.   Ms Sue Maguire Headteacher  

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