Chess Tournament Final
Posted on: 23/05/2023
After 78 games and 32 participants, the Hatch End High School Chess Tournament finally came to an end!
Congratulations to our Chess Tournament Winner: Arthur, Year 8.
Arthur is a real champion who got to the final unbeaten in any of the 12 games he played in the previous rounds. A special mention also needs to go to our runner-up, Tilak, Year 11 and to our Semi-Finalists, Ali, Year 11 and Farhan, Year 9, who performed exceptionally well throughout the tournament.
This HEHS Chess Tournament has been the biggest Chess Tournament this school has ever seen since the Chess Club started back in 2017. It has been the first tournament after the pandemic and it has been impressive the way Chess has really picked up in our school.
A huge thank you to all students who participated in the Tournament and for attending Chess Club during lunchtimes, which has contributed to Chess Club becoming one of the most popular clubs in the school!
Mr Sánchez, Teacher