Dell Virtual Workshop

Posted on: 15/03/2022

On Friday 11th March, Hatch End High School Year 10 Computer Science students participated in a Meet the Dell Team Virtual Workshop, organised through The Talent Foundry.

Three Dell employees spoke to the students about their own experiences at Dell, their specific job roles, and their personal career paths.

They talked about Graduate and Training Programmes that Dell offer, answered student questions, and shared vital Careers tips. 

Student feedback was extremely postive, with comments such as:

‘There were a lot of interesting things mentioned. It was very engaging and exciting to know about different jobs’.

‘The team answered mine and the rest of the students' questions with full details, and included personal experiences’.

‘I learnt a lot about what it would be like to work for Dell and in the Tech industry'.


A huge thank you to Dell and The Talent Foundry for facilitating this captivating workshop.


Article by Ms Fernando, Careers Co-ordinator

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