Year 10 End of Year Rewards Assembly

Posted on: 07/01/2025

The head of year organises an end of term assembly as a reward for the students to congratulate them on all the hard work and progress they have made throughout the term. There are a variety of categories that students can win. Some of them award behaviour throughout the term, some reward behaviour improvement and some of them award punctuality.

The first category was best attendance. The best attendance category refers to the highest level of attendance a student can achieve. All the students who were placed in this category had their names put in a wheel which was spun and only one of the names was chosen. The name that was picked won a book from the ‘Hatch End High School book vending machine’. The reward not only helps motivate the students each term but also gives them a sense of pride. The winner of this category was a student called Imran K who is in form 10JWS.

The next category was 100% attendance and punctuality combined. This means that the students that the students that were put in this category had 100% attendance and they were also punctual to all their lessons. The names of the students that won this category were also put in a wheel that was spun. The head of years allow a student to spin the wheels to make the assemblies more fun, entertaining and engaging. The student who won this category was Shay H who is in form 10KLL.

Halfway through the assembly a trio of talented singers sang "All I want for Christmas is you". The singers Evelyn P, Anabelle T and Summer R-D are all in form 10STO. They sang a karaoke version so the whole year group could sing along with them.

After the trio of singers had finished their song, the next category was most achievement points and 0 behaviour points combined. Getting 0 behaviour points means not being late to any lessons, doing all the work that was assigned to you in class, doing all your homework and not disturbing or disrupting the class. Again, the names of the students who won this category were put in a wheel and a student was chosen to spin the wheel. The winner of this category was Nischay B in form 10AGO. This means that Nischay had the most amount of achievement points in the year as well as having no behaviour points which is very impressive.

The next category was most improved achievements points. This category rewards the students who have improved the number of achievements they earn. The names were placed in a wheel which was spun again, and the winner was Saima Z from form 10HLM. As Saima was the person in the year group who has improved her achievement points the most, she won a £15 WHSmith voucher.

The next category was the tutors we CARE award. Each tutor was able to pick one student from their tutor group and reward them for either showing cooperation, ambition, respect or empathy. In 10AGO, Sharanya M was nominated for showing ambition, respect and cooperation. Sharanya “always works hard to the best of her ability/helps others” as well as helping her form tutor. She “always smiles and says good morning”. In 10ABS Haiden H was nominated for his cooperation. His form tutor said that Haiden is “Always the first to be in tutor and ready to support staff and his peers.” Victoria A in 10STO was nominated for her respect. Victoria is “always greeting” her tutor “with a smile and good morning/ afternoon.” Victoria is also “so dependable as well”. In 10KLL, Rachel M was nominated for her empathy, “for her excellent role as mentor. Rachel shows up diligently every Friday morning, ready to help and guide her mentee. She checks her behaviour and achievement points with her and really takes her role as a mentor seriously.” Scott R in 10GBU was nominated for his ambition. Scott is the “first in every morning, unfailingly positive, polite and cheerful.” He has “Immaculate uniform – all day, every day and strives to be a positive role model.” In 10HLM Marcus A was nominated for his cooperation. Marcus is “always keen to answer and put himself forward for a task.” He is “on time every day and actively supports his classmates.” Amra G in 10JWS was also nominated for her cooperation. She “keeps to all school rules unfailingly.” Amra is also a “role model to all other members of the form”. She’s “extremely patient which is a great virtue”. Lastly, in form 10KAN, Arjun K was nominated for his cooperation. Arjun is “always happy to participate and contribute to all tutor activities.” After the wheel was spun, the winner was announced. It was Rachel and she won a £15 WHS voucher.

