Shyam Jobanputra
Destination: Queen Mary, University of London
Subject: Accounting and Management
Date of Leaving Hatch End High School: July 2014
I was studying at Queen Mary’s University of London for the course Mathematics with Finance and Accounting. Two months into the course I realised I wasn’t enjoying it because it was seventy-five per cent Maths. So after giving it a try, I spoke to the university and let them know that I wasn’t enjoying the course and asked if I could change it to a course more Accounting related. They gave me an offer for a new course, accepting my current grades and guaranteed me a place to study Accounting and Management.
Since leaving Hatch End High School I have also been gaining experience in other fields in order to fulfil my career path in Accounting.
For students currently at Hatch End High School, I would suggest that you work hard with your subjects, and start revising early, so that you have enough time for preparing for your exams. Always stay one step ahead of revision because before you even realise it, it’ll be time for your exams.